

Learning Points 330
Lessons Completed 2
Awards Earned 11
Challenges Completed 3
Projects Shared 0
Followers 0
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Animal Series

Autumn Series

Christmas Series

Emoji Series

Fashion Series

Fruits & Vegetables Series

Gamer Series

GIF - Animals Series

GIF - Chistmas Series

GIF - Dance Series

GIF - Facts Series

GIF - Flags Series

GIF - Halloween Series

GIF - Memes Series

GIF - Reactions Series

GIF - Sports Series

Halloween Series

Outdoors Series

Science Series

Space Series

Sports Series

Spring Series

Summer Series

Vehicles Series

Weather Series

Winter Series

Writing Series

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Robay Learning Points: 330

Rank Stripes
Points Needed 0 250 500 750 1000
Junior Cadet
Points Needed 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250
Senior Cadet
Points Needed 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500
Junior Engineer
Points Needed 3750 4000 4250 4500 4750
Senior Engineer
Points Needed 5000 5250 5500 5750 6000
Chief Engineer
Points Needed 6250 6500 6750 7000 7250
Junior Pilot
Points Needed 7500 7750 8000 8250 8500
Senior Pilot
Points Needed 8750 9000 9250 9500 9750
Chief Pilot
Points Needed 10000 10250 10500 10750 11000
Junior Inventor
Points Needed 11250 11500 11750 12000 12250
Senior Inventor
Points Needed 12500 12750 13000 13250 13500
Chief Inventor
Points Needed 13750 14000 14250 14500 14750
Junior Commander
Points Needed 15000 15250 15500 15750 16000
Senior Commander
Points Needed 16250 16500 16750 17000 17250
Chief Commander
Points Needed 17500 17750 18000 18250 18500
Junior Scientist
Points Needed 18750 19000 19250 19500 19750
Senior Scientist
Points Needed 20000 20250 20500 20750 21000
Chief Scientist
Points Needed 21250 21500 21750 22000 22250


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