Scratch Game
60 mins
120 points
What you need:

Maze Game

In this game students program their character to navigate their way through a maze using the arrow keys on their keyboard.

1 - Create a new Scratch project

Create a new Scratch project and delete the cat.

2 - Upload and add the maze sprite

Save the maze picture in this step to your computer and upload it into Scratch as a new sprite. Once it appears, drag it into the center of the stage area.

3 - Add the beetle sprite

Add the 'Beetle' sprite from the sprite library.

Drag the beetle to the start of the maze (the gap at the left of the maze).

4 - Shrink the beetle

As the beetle sprite is too big to fit through the corridors of our maze, we'll need to shrink it down. We also want to position the beetle at the start of the maze when we start the game, so we'll use a 'go to x [] y []' block to do this. Add the following code to the beetle:

when green flag clicked set size to (15) % go to x [0] y [0] //set these so the beetle appears at the start of the maze

The values for x and y will already be filled in for where your beetle is (at the start of the maze) so there's no need to change them.

5 - Program the arrow keys to move the beetle

Next we'll program the up, down, left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to move the beetle. Each of these keys will point the beetle in the appropriate direction and make it move 10 steps.

We're going to program the up arrow first and then duplicate and change this code for the down, left and right keys.

when [up arrow v] key pressed point in direction (0) move (10) steps when [down arrow v] key pressed point in direction (180) move (10) steps when [left arrow v] key pressed point in direction (-90) move (10) steps when [right arrow v] key pressed point in direction (90) move (10) steps


Once you have all of the arrow keys programmed, click the green flag and then test each arrow key to see if it moves the beetle in the right direction. If any of them are not working, check the code for that arrow to make sure it's correct.

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Copyright Notice
This lesson is copyright of 123code. Unauthorised use, copying or distribution is not allowed.

Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at
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