In this game you dive underwater to collect starfish but be careful of the shark chasing you!
Create a new Scratch project and delete the cat sprite.
In this game there will be 3 sprites
Go to the Scratch website using the link below and click on the 'Create' link in the blue bar at the top.
By default, each new project starts with the cat sprite already added. To delete the cat click on the x in the blue circle beside the cat in the sprite list.
Add the Underwater 1 backdrop to the project.
To add a backdrop from the backdrop library follow these steps:
You can use search box or the filter links (Fantasy, Music, Sports etc) to locate your backdrop.
Add the Diver1 sprite from the sprite library. We are going to program the diver to always point towards your mouse pointer and move towards it. This is how you will control where the diver swims to.
Add the following code to the Diver1 sprite.
when green flag clicked
go to x (150) y (0)
set size to (50) %
point towards (mouse-pointer v)
move (4) steps
To add a sprite from the sprite library follow these steps:
You can use search box or the filter links (Animals, People, Fantasy etc) to locate your sprite.
Now add the Starfish sprite to your project.
To add a sprite from the sprite library follow these steps:
You can use search box or the filter links (Animals, People, Fantasy etc) to locate your sprite.
At the start of the game the starfish will appear in a random position and each time you catch a starfish a new one will appear somewhere else.
Add the following code to the Starfish sprite to change it's size, hide it and create a copy of it.
when green flag clicked
set size to (30) %
create clone of (myself v)
We will program what to do when it's copied in the next step.