In this guessing game the player holds the Microbit on their head and has 1 minute to guess random things that appear on the Microbit.
Go to the website and create a new project.
Go to the Microbit website using the link below and click on the 'New Project' button underneath the 'My Projects' heading.
Install the micro:bit app on your iPad or tablet.
Open the app, tap 'Create code' and then create a new project.
In the game the player will have 60 seconds to guess as many things as possible.
Add the following code to start the countdown and give the player 2 lives.
game.setLife(2) game.startCountdown(60000)
We need a list of the random words that will appear on the Microbit screen (by scrolling across).
Create a text list by adding the following code underneath the start countdown block. Add in lots of different random things, animals, people etc.
game.setLife(2) game.startCountdown(60000) let text_list = ["Galway", "plane", "xbox", "Ronaldo"]
To get a new thing from the list, the player will put the Microbit with the logo up. When the Microbit detects this gesture, we will pick a random item from our list and display it.
So if we have 5 items in our list they will be indexed as follows:
0.) apple
1.) moon
2.) plane
3.) xbox
4.) Kerry
The amount of items (or length of our list) is 5, so if we are choosing a random item using the index we will need to choose between 0 and 4 (or between 0 and [5 minus 1]).
Add the following code.
input.onGesture(Gesture.LogoUp, function () { basic.showString("" + (text_list[randint(0, text_list.length - 1)])) }) let text_list: string[] = []
When the item is being displayed on the Microbit the player will ask questions to the other people such as "Is it an animal?" or "Is it a place?".
If he or she guesses it right then they will tilt the Microbit so the screen is pointing down. This will give them a point.
Add the following code to your project.
input.onGesture(Gesture.ScreenDown, function () { game.addScore(1) })