30 mins
330 points
What you need:
  • Microbit
  • Move Motor Car
  • AA Batteries
  • USB Cable

Build your Move Motor Sensor Car

The Move Motor Sensor Car attaches to your Microbit and allows you to program it in another of different ways.

1 - Get an adult to help

Some of the instructions for building your Move Motor Sensor Car are difficult. We recommend that you ask an adult to help you build it.

2 - Open the package

Open your package and layout the contents on a table.

You will also need your Microbit and 4 AA batteries.

3 - Follow the instructions

Included in the package is a yellow booklet with instructions on how to build your Move Motor Sensor Car.

4 - Assembling: Move Motor

Follow the instructions in 1. Assembling: Move Motor.

5 - Getting Connected to Makecode

Follow the instructions in 2. Getting Connected to Makecode.

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