Microbit Robotics
30 mins
85 points
What you need:
  • Microbit
  • Move Motor Car
  • Phillips Screwdriver
  • AA Batteries
  • USB Cable
  • Move Motor Klaw

Attach the Move Motor Klaw

The Move Motor Klaw attaches to your Move Motor Car and allows you to program it in another of different ways.

1 - Get an adult to help

Some of the instructions for building your Move Motor Sensor Car are difficult. We recommend that you ask an adult to help you build it.

2 - Open the package

Open your package and layout the contents on a table.

You will also need:

  • Microbit
  • Move Motor Car
  • 4 AA batteries
  • Small phillips head screwdriver

3 - Follow the instructions

Included in the package is a booklet with instructions on how to build the Move Motor Klaw and attach it to your Move Motor Car.

Follow the instructions and attach the claw to your car. You can attach it either vertically or horizontally to your car.

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