Sensors & Circuits
20 mins
130 points
What you need:
  • E-Textiles Kit

Learn about E-Textiles

What is E-Textiles/Electro Fashion and how does it work. Learn about what is in the E-Textiles Kit and how the components work.

1 - What is E-Textiles/Electro Fashion

Electronic fashion or e-textiles are fabrics that enable digital components such as a battery and a light (including small computers), and electronics to be embedded in them.

2 - What do you need

To do the e-textiles projects, you will need:

  1. The e-textiles pack which comes with:
    • 2 x Sewable Blue LEDs
    • 2 x Sewable White LEDs
    • 2 x Sewable Sakura (lilac) LEDs
    • 2 x Blue Flashing LEDs
    • 2 x Green Flashing LEDs
    • 2 x White Flashing LEDs
    • 1 x Slide Switch
    • 1 x Push Switch
    • 2 x CR2032 Coin Cell Batteries
    • 1 x CR1220 Coin Cell Battery
    • 1 x 6m Conductive Thread
    • 1 x Coin Cell Holder
    • 1 x Miniature Coin Cell Holder
    • 1 x Switched Coin Cell Holder
  2. Sewing needles
  3. A pair of scissors
  4. A pair of long nosed pliers (for creating "eyelets")

3 - Power

Included in your kit are coin cell holders and coin batteries. These are what power the circuits in your e-textiles projects.

This coin cell holders have large connection points for the conductive thread. These are clearly marked to show the battery polarity (positive + and negative -).

4 - Conductive Thread

Conductive thread can be used like conventional sewing yarn, however it electrically conducts allowing electronics to be integrated into textiles. This makes it ideal for use in a range of e-textile applications.

5 - PCB LED Lights

The ultra-slim, pre-mounted e-textile PCB LEDs run off a 3V coin cell battery and are illuminated continuously when powered.

They have connections to which the conductive thread can be connected. These are clearly marked with '+' and '-' to indicate which is positive and which is the negative connection.

PCB stands for "Printed circuit board"

Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are the foundational building block of most modern electronic devices. Whether simple single layered boards used in your garage door opener, to the six layer board in your smart watch, to a 60 layer, very high density and high-speed circuit boards used in super computers and servers, printed circuit boards are the foundation on which all of the other electronic components are assembled onto.

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